Vionette Pietri

Vionette Pietri is an attorney from Puerto Rico that lives in Florida, US. This Multi Million Producer Realtor was recognized by Florida media as Real Estate Influencer.

This international realtor, inspired by her mother that loved Dominican Republic, decided to invest there. She was surprised that in a few weeks after her investment, she sold 40 condos.

Vionette Pietri expanded her services as an international realtor to Mexico, starting with Tulum. She managed to help 15 investors in the first week.

She realized that there are a lot of people with her own dream, to invest in one of the best tourist destination of the world.  For that reason, she decides to expand her business internationally and create an aggressive team that can support clients around the world to invest in the Dominican Republic.

Her passion is to educate her clients to help them to do smart investments.

Her call as international realtor is to provide honest, fast and loyal service. This writer, international speaker, is also founder and Director of Fundacion Baila Corazon, a non profit that supports children and women around the world.


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